Saturday, June 4, 2011

In my Garden (er... someday garden)

I've always dreamed of someday having a beautiful garden...

Right now all we have is a little patch of grass (stained by everyone else's dogs... I won't even go there...) but we've tried to make our little patch beautiful. 

And I think we're off to a good start.  :)  I keep thinking, someday, when we have our own little house and a real yard and garden to start, we'll have some good stuff ready to put in it!

So today we made a trip first to Homegoods (I think we've been to Lowes almost every Saturday this summer) finally found a pot and a trellis that we like (at a decent price, hoorah!) and then we went to Lowes again.  For beautiful flowers.  :)  That make me so happy. 

Now someday I need a fountain.  ;)

Isn't the trellis and pot pretty? The trellis matches our wooden planter boxes by the front door, and the pot actually shines kind of deep blue/black/and brown all at once. I love it!

This whole plot began with the wisteria plant Brian bought in the spring. It was growing up our balcony, but we thought she'd do better out front on a beautiful trellis. We've literally been looking for weeks and weeks for a new home for this poor girl (she was definitely outgrowing her plastic planter pot.) I'm so glad we found something for her to climb up and spread out of! Plus I LOVE the other flowers and the Creeping Jenny down the front... Ahhh... Someday, I WILL have a beautiful garden.

We had a not-so-small friend come visit us during our potting session! Ok, he wasn't huge, but he's wasn't a tiny little lizard either. He had to have been about 6 in. long. I've never seen one like this around here before! I was glad to catch a shot of him before he hid away in the bushes.

pretty Foxglove


can't remember what these little beauties were called, but I love how they feel a little bit tropical

pretty pink geranium (these are pretty easy to keep alive, right?) haha- because that's the kind of plants I need
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I hope I saved my best/most artistic shot for last.  ;)  I still need to have Leilani take me out and give me a photography lesson!  And then a photoshop lesson, haha.  :) 

It would be a dream come true to someday have a garden that looks like it could be plastered across the cover of Better Homes and Gardens.  *sigh*  A girl can dream, right?  :) 

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